Cheap Chicken Coop Ideas | (2024)

Budget-Friendly Options: Cheap Chicken Coop Idea

This guide will show you how to create a chicken coop on a budget. You'll learn how to use affordable materials and designs to build a safe, comfortable home for your chickens.

Budget-Friendly Chicken Coop Ideas: A 2024 DIY Guide

Building a chicken coop doesn't have to drain your wallet. With some creativity, a bit of DIY know-how, and this guide, you can construct a cozy, secure home for your chickens without spending a lot. Here, we'll explore how to pick materials that are both inexpensive and durable, use designs that cut costs without cutting corners, and implement features that make your coop both functional and chicken-friendly.

Selecting the Right Foundation

The foundation is the bedrock of your chicken coop, essential for keeping your structure stable and safe from predators.

  • Slab Foundations: While concrete slabs are sturdy, they can be pricey. As a budget-friendly alternative, consider a smaller concrete footing where the most weight will be, reducing the amount of concrete needed.
  • Pier Foundations: Using cinder blocks as piers can elevate your coop off the ground, providing protection and ventilation at a lower cost.
  • Skid Foundations: Wooden skids make your coop portable and are cost-effective. Reclaimed wood or pallets can serve as inexpensive or even free options.

Designing on a Dime

Good design doesn't require a big budget, just big creativity.

  • Simplify Your Design: Opt for a straightforward design that requires fewer materials and less labor.
  • Use Free Design Software: Tools like SketchUp offer free versions that are perfect for planning your coop without any investment.
  • Repurpose and Recycle: Look for second-hand materials or leftovers from other projects. Old windows, doors, and wood can be repurposed into parts of your coop.

Economical Building Materials

Choosing the right materials can significantly lower the cost of your coop.

  • Wood: Look for discounted lumber or consider reclaimed wood. Sometimes, hardware stores have discounted wood that's slightly imperfect but still usable.
  • Roofing: Corrugated metal sheets are durable and often cheaper than shingles. Check for off-cuts at building supply stores.
  • Hardware Cloth vs. Chicken Wire: While hardware cloth is more expensive, it's much more secure than chicken wire. For areas less susceptible to predators, chicken wire can be a cost-saving option.

DIY Nesting Boxes and Perches

You don't need fancy materials to create comfortable nesting spaces and perches.

  • Nesting Boxes: Use crates, buckets, or even sturdy cardboard boxes lined with straw as nesting boxes.
  • Perches: Scavenge for straight branches or reuse broom handles as perches; just ensure they're smooth to protect your chickens' feet.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

A few pro tips can help you avoid issues that might cost you more in the long run.

  • Prevent Sinking Foundation: Ensure proper drainage around your coop. A layer of gravel beneath your foundation can improve drainage and prevent sinking.
  • Predator Proof on a Budget: Bury your fencing at least 12 inches underground to deter digging predators. Reinforce door latches with carabiners or locks to keep clever critters out.

Building a chicken coop on a budget is entirely possible with a little effort and ingenuity. By choosing cost-effective materials, simplifying your design, and doing the work yourself, you can provide a safe, comfortable space for your chickens without breaking the bank. Remember, the goal is to create a functional space that meets your chickens' needs while staying within your budget. With this guide, you're well on your way to achieving that.

Budget Chicken Coop: Understanding Foundations

Choosing Your Foundation

  • Basics: Why a good foundation is key for a sturdy coop.
  • Types: Pros and cons of slab, pier, and skid foundations.
  • Materials: Cheap materials that work well for different foundations.

Building on a Budget

  • DIY Tips: How to lay a foundation yourself.
  • Avoiding Sinking Foundations: Simple steps to prevent your coop from sinking over time.

Understanding Foundations

Building a sturdy chicken coop starts from the ground up—literally. The foundation is crucial for keeping your coop level, dry, and safe from predators. Here’s how to choose and build a foundation that’s both effective and budget-friendly.

Choosing Your Foundation


A solid foundation prevents your coop from shifting, sagging, or becoming unlevel over time. It also keeps out moisture and deters digging predators.


  • Slab Foundations are solid and durable, providing excellent protection against predators and the elements. However, concrete can be expensive and permanent.
    • Pros: Long-lasting, predator-proof.
    • Cons: High cost, not portable.
  • Pier Foundations use posts or blocks to elevate the coop, offering good ventilation and protection from ground moisture.
    • Pros: Less material required, adjustable.
    • Cons: May require more maintenance over time.
  • Skid Foundations involve laying the coop on beams or rails, allowing for mobility. This is great if you might want to move your coop.
    • Pros: Portable, flexible placement.
    • Cons: Less protection from predators.


For a budget-friendly foundation, consider:

  • Recycled Concrete: Old paving stones or broken concrete pieces can create a sturdy base.
  • Pressure-Treated Wood: For skid or pier foundations, use pressure-treated wood designed for ground contact.
  • Cinder Blocks: Affordable and versatile for pier foundations.

Building on a Budget

DIY Tips

  • Plan Carefully: Measure twice, cut once. A well-planned foundation means less waste and redoing work.
  • Do It Yourself: Laying a simple foundation doesn’t require professional skills but does require some research and patience.

Avoiding Sinking Foundations

  • Proper Drainage: Ensure the area around your coop has good drainage. Water should flow away from the foundation, not towards it.
  • Choose the Right Location: Build on solid, level ground. Avoid low spots prone to water pooling.
  • Reinforcement: For slab foundations, reinforcing the concrete with mesh or rebar can add strength. For pier foundations, burying the posts deep enough and using concrete can provide stability.

Building a foundation might seem daunting, but with the right approach, it’s entirely doable on a budget. By selecting the most appropriate foundation type for your needs and using cost-effective materials, you can set the stage for a chicken coop that stands firm against the elements and predators alike. Remember, the foundation is the first step in creating a safe and comfortable home for your chickens, so it’s worth getting it right.

Designing Your Coop

Modern Designs on a Budget

  • Introduction to Modern Features: How to include contemporary designs without breaking the bank.
  • Using Architectural Software: Free vs. paid software for designing your coop.

Construction Materials

  • Finding Cheap Materials: Tips for sourcing affordable, durable materials.
  • Eco-Friendly Options: How to choose materials that are good for the planet and your wallet.

Designing Your Cheap Chicken Coop

Creating a chicken coop that's both functional and stylish doesn't have to cost a fortune. With a focus on modern design principles and a smart approach to materials, you can build a coop that's contemporary, comfortable for your chickens, and budget-friendly.

Modern Designs on a Budget

Introduction to Modern Features: Modern chicken coops often boast clean lines, efficient use of space, and integration with the surrounding landscape. Achieving this look can be as simple as applying a minimalist color scheme, incorporating large, inexpensive windows for natural light, and using straightforward, geometric shapes for the structure.

Using Architectural Software: Designing your coop can be greatly aided by architectural software, which allows you to visualize the end product and make adjustments before any physical work begins.

  • Free Software: Programs like SketchUp Free offer robust tools for 3D modeling without any cost. These can be great for laying out your coop's dimensions and experimenting with different designs.
  • Paid Software: If you're looking for more advanced features, paid versions offer additional tools and functionalities. However, for most DIY coop projects, free software is more than sufficient.

Construction Materials

Finding Cheap Materials: One of the keys to building on a budget is sourcing materials that are both affordable and durable.

  • Repurpose and Recycle: Look for materials that can be repurposed from other projects or that are available from salvage yards. Old pallets, leftover construction materials, and repurposed furniture can all be sources of cheap building materials.
  • Bulk Purchases: Sometimes, buying in bulk can save money. Join forces with fellow DIYers to buy larger quantities of essentials like wood, nails, and roofing materials.

Eco-Friendly Options: Building a sustainable coop not only benefits the environment but can also be economical.

  • Sustainable Wood: Look for locally sourced or reclaimed wood, which is often cheaper than new lumber and reduces environmental impact.
  • Recycled Materials: Recycled plastic lumber or metal can be excellent, durable materials for the structure or the coop's roof.
  • Green Insulation: Consider using straw bales or recycled denim for insulation. These materials can be cost-effective and provide excellent thermal regulation.

Designing and building a modern chicken coop on a budget is entirely achievable with a bit of creativity and resourcefulness. By choosing the right design tools, sourcing materials wisely, and focusing on sustainability, you can create a functional, stylish coop that meets your needs and those of your feathered friends.

Building Your Cheap Chicken Coop

Step-by-Step Construction

  • Framework: Creating a strong structure using budget-friendly materials.
  • Walls and Roofing: How to save money while ensuring your coop is safe and weatherproof.

Adding Essentials

  • Nesting Boxes and Perches: DIY ideas for making these coop essentials from recycled materials.
  • Ventilation and Lighting: Cost-effective ways to ensure good air flow and enough light.

Building Your Best Cheap Chicken Coop

Constructing a chicken coop on a budget doesn't mean you have to compromise on quality or functionality. With careful planning and some DIY spirit, you can build a coop that's affordable, sturdy, and comfortable for your chickens. Here's how to tackle the construction process step-by-step.

Step-by-Step Construction

The frame is the skeleton of your coop, providing structure and support.

  • Materials: Use budget-friendly options like reclaimed wood or pressure-treated lumber from discount bins. Pallet wood is also a great choice if available for free, but ensure it's safe for use around animals.
  • Construction: Simple rectangular or square frames are cost-effective and easy to build. Use screws rather than nails for added durability. Corner braces, which can be made from scrap wood, will help stabilize the frame.

Walls and Roofing:
Proper walls and roofing protect your chickens from the elements and predators.

  • Walls: Plywood is a cost-effective material for coop walls. Look for off-cuts or slightly damaged sheets sold at a discount. Seal any cracks or gaps with caulk to keep out drafts.
  • Roofing: Corrugated metal sheets are durable and often cheaper than traditional roofing materials. You can sometimes find these at a discount if they're cosmetically flawed but still functional.

Adding Essentials

Nesting Boxes and Perches:
These are crucial for your chickens' comfort and egg-laying.

  • Nesting Boxes: You can repurpose items like milk crates, wine boxes, or even sturdy cardboard boxes lined with straw. Place them in a quiet, dark area of the coop for privacy.
  • Perches: Use branches, reclaimed lumber, or even broom handles as perches. Sand them smooth to prevent splinters. Ensure they're placed higher than the nesting boxes to satisfy chickens' roosting instincts.

Ventilation and Lighting:
Good air quality and lighting are vital for healthy, happy chickens.

  • Ventilation: Install vents or small windows near the top of the coop to allow hot air to escape without creating drafts. Hardware cloth over openings prevents predator access.
  • Lighting: Solar-powered LED lights are an energy-efficient option for providing supplemental light during shorter days. Alternatively, consider placing the coop near a natural light source and using reflective surfaces inside to maximize daylight.

Building a budget-friendly chicken coop is a rewarding project that can be accomplished with some ingenuity and elbow grease. By focusing on using recycled materials, keeping designs simple, and doing the work yourself, you create a functional and cozy home for your chickens without spending a lot. Remember, the key to a successful DIY coop is planning, creativity, and a willingness to learn and adapt as you go.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Preventing Problems

  • Sinking Foundation: Real-life examples and fixes.
  • Predator Proofing: Cheap and effective ways to keep predators out.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even the most carefully constructed chicken coops can encounter issues. Understanding how to troubleshoot common problems like sinking foundations and predator invasions is crucial for maintaining a safe and stable environment for your chickens. Here are some practical solutions.

Preventing Problems

Sinking Foundation:
A foundation that starts to sink can compromise the structure's stability and potentially allow for predator entry.

  • Real-life example: A DIY enthusiast built a coop without considering the soil type, leading to a foundation that started sinking after a heavy rain. The coop began to tilt, causing the door to jam.
  • Fix: The person lifted the coop slightly with a jack and placed gravel and concrete piers under each corner, improving drainage and providing a stable base.
  • Prevention: Before building, assess the soil type and drainage in your chosen location. For areas prone to moisture or with soft soil, consider a raised foundation like piers or a gravel bed beneath a skid foundation to facilitate drainage and prevent sinking.

Predator Proofing:
Keeping predators out is vital for the safety of your chickens. Predators can be incredibly persistent and inventive in their attempts to access your coop.

  • Cheap and effective strategies:
    • Hardware Cloth: Use hardware cloth instead of chicken wire for enclosures and beneath the soil around the coop's perimeter to prevent digging. While initially more expensive than chicken wire, it's much more durable and a better long-term investment for predator proofing.
    • Secure Locking Mechanisms: Predators like raccoons can open simple latches. Use carabiners or locks on coop doors and nesting box lids.
    • Motion-Activated Lights: Install solar-powered motion-activated lights around the coop. The sudden light can scare away nocturnal predators.
    • Regular Checks: Regularly inspect your coop for any potential weak spots or damage where predators could gain entry. Small holes or gaps can be an invitation to smaller predators like weasels.

By addressing these common issues proactively, you can ensure your chicken coop remains a safe, comfortable home for your flock. Sinking foundations and predator threats are manageable with the right strategies and regular maintenance. Remember, the goal is to create a secure environment that protects against both environmental challenges and the threat of predators, ensuring your chickens can thrive.

Let's get deeper into how to practically apply these budget-friendly ideas with real-life examples and additional tips to ensure your chicken coop not only costs less but also stands the test of time and provides a happy home for your chickens.

Real-Life Budget Coop Examples

Example 1: The Pallet Palace

  • How It's Done: A backyard chicken keeper collected used pallets from local businesses for free, dismantling them to construct the coop's frame and walls. The roof was made from leftover metal roofing from a previous project, providing durability and weather resistance.
  • Pro Tip: When using pallets, sand down rough edges to prevent splinters and ensure the wood is not treated with harmful chemicals.

Example 2: The Repurposed Shed

  • How It's Done: Another enthusiast transformed an old garden shed into a spacious chicken coop by adding ventilation windows, outdoor runs made with recycled chicken wire, and interior nesting boxes constructed from scrap wood.
  • Pro Tip: Look for structures that can be easily adapted into a coop. This can save on both materials and labor.

Keeping Costs Down While Building

Shop Smart

  • Bulk Buys: For items you need in large quantities, like screws or nails, buying in bulk can save money.
  • Sales and Discounts: Keep an eye on sales at local hardware stores or online marketplaces for discounted materials.

DIY Tools and Equipment

  • Borrow or Rent: Instead of purchasing expensive tools for one-time use, borrow from friends or rent from local shops.
  • Invest in Versatility: If you decide to buy tools, choose those that are versatile and can be used for future projects as well.

Enhancing Coop Durability on a Budget


  • Seal Gaps: Use inexpensive foam sealant to close any gaps that could let in drafts or water.
  • Protective Paint: A coat of exterior paint not only adds character but also protects wood from the elements. Look for discounted "oops paint" at hardware stores.

Predator Deterrence

  • DIY Predator Apron: Bury a wire mesh apron around the coop's perimeter to prevent digging predators. Use leftover mesh or wire for a cost-effective solution.
  • Secure Locks: Simple slide bolts can be upgraded with padlocks or even homemade wooden latches for extra security without high costs.

Conclusion and Encouragement

Building a chicken coop on a budget requires creativity, resourcefulness, and a willingness to put in some DIY effort. By using recycled materials, focusing on essential features, and applying some of the tips and examples provided, you can construct a coop that is both affordable and comfortable for your chickens. Remember, the goal is not just to save money but to create a secure and happy environment for your flock. Start your project with confidence, knowing that a great chicken coop doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

Explore Further

Learning More

  • Books: Recommended reads for deeper insights into chicken keeping.
  • Courses: Online courses for DIY coop building and chicken care.

Expanding your knowledge about chicken keeping and coop construction can enhance your experience and provide your chickens with a better quality of life. Here are some recommended resources to help you dive deeper into the world of backyard poultry care.


  1. "The Small-Scale Poultry Flock" by Harvey Ussery

    • An all-natural approach to raising chickens and other fowl for home and market growers. This book offers comprehensive advice on sustainable, holistic poultry-keeping practices.
  2. "Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens" by Gail Damerow

    • A classic resource that covers breed selection, housing, feeding, health care, and managing layers and meat birds. It's suitable for beginners and experienced chicken keepers alike.
  3. "Chicken Coops: 45 Building Ideas for Housing Your Flock" by Judy Pangman

    • Provides a range of coop designs and construction plans to suit any backyard or farm. It's filled with creative ideas to inspire your next coop project.

Online Courses

  1. "Chicken Keeping 101" on Udemy

    • This course covers the basics of chicken keeping, from selecting breeds to feeding, health care, and designing your coop. It's ideal for those new to chicken keeping.
  2. "Building a Predator-Proof Chicken Coop" on Coursera

    • Learn how to design and construct a secure chicken coop that keeps out predators. This course includes step-by-step instructions for building a durable coop.
  3. "Sustainable Chicken Keeping" on Skillshare

    • Focuses on eco-friendly practices for raising chickens, including creating a sustainable coop environment. It's great for chicken keepers interested in minimizing their environmental impact.

Further Exploration

  • Local Workshops and Community Classes: Many communities offer workshops on chicken keeping and coop building, providing hands-on experience and local expertise.
  • Poultry Keeper Forums and Online Communities: Online forums like are excellent places to ask questions, share experiences, and connect with other chicken enthusiasts.

Whether you're just starting out with chicken keeping or looking to expand your knowledge, these resources offer valuable insights into creating a thriving backyard flock. From understanding the basics of care and management to mastering the art of coop building, there's always more to learn. Dive into these books and courses to enrich your chicken keeping journey and ensure your feathered friends are happy and healthy.


Planning and Design Questions

How big should my coop be?
Your coop's size depends on how many chickens you plan to keep. Each chicken requires about 2-3 square feet inside the coop for sleeping and 8-10 square feet in an outside run for daytime roaming. For example, if you have 6 chickens, you'll need at least 12-18 square feet of indoor space and 48-60 square feet of outdoor space.

Can I design my coop with free software?
Yes, you can use free architectural software to design your coop. SketchUp Free is a popular choice for its user-friendly interface and robust features suitable for designing chicken coops. Another option is Tinkercad, which is great for beginners and offers an intuitive way to create simple designs.

Construction Questions

How do I pick the right foundation on a budget?
Choosing an affordable foundation that’s still durable involves considering your coop's size and location. For smaller coops, skid foundations using reclaimed wood can be cost-effective and portable. Pier foundations using concrete blocks are affordable and provide good protection and ventilation for larger coops.

What are the best cheap materials for my coop?
Reclaimed wood, pallets, and scrap materials from construction sites can be great low-cost options. Corrugated metal sheets for roofing can also be budget-friendly. Always ensure materials are safe and non-toxic for animals.

How do I ensure my coop has enough ventilation?
Proper ventilation is crucial to keep your chickens healthy. Include vents or small windows near the top of the coop to let out hot air without creating drafts. Hardware cloth can cover these openings to keep predators out while allowing air to circulate.

What's the best way to clean and maintain my coop?
For easy cleaning, design your coop with a removable droppings tray under the perches and make sure the interior is accessible. Use materials that can be easily washed down or replaced. Regular cleaning prevents pests and maintains a healthy environment for your chickens.

Troubleshooting Questions

What if my coop starts sinking?
If you notice your coop sinking, first improve the drainage around the coop to prevent water from pooling. You may need to lift the coop and add gravel or concrete piers underneath for more stability. Regularly check and adjust as necessary.

How do I make my coop predator-proof cheaply?
To predator-proof your coop on a budget, use hardware cloth instead of chicken wire for enclosures and bury it around the perimeter to prevent digging. Secure latches and locks on doors and nesting boxes to thwart clever predators. Motion-sensor lights can also deter nocturnal visitors.

How can I keep my chickens warm in the winter?
Insulation is key to keeping chickens warm. Straw bales or thick layers of bedding can provide natural insulation. Ensure the coop is well-ventilated to avoid moisture buildup. In extremely cold climates, a small, safe heat source may be necessary, but often chickens keep each other warm through body heat.

What should I do about pests like mites and lice?
Regularly clean your coop and dust it with food-grade diatomaceous earth to deter pests. Provide a dust bath area for your chickens, as dusting naturally helps them control parasites. Check your chickens regularly for signs of infestation and treat them with safe, approved products if necessary.

By addressing these common questions and concerns, you can create a functional, safe, and comfortable environment for your chickens, ensuring they're healthy, happy, and productive.

Summary and Encouragement

Building a chicken coop doesn't have to be expensive. With the right planning, materials, and a bit of DIY spirit, you can create a functional and attractive coop for your chickens. Start with confidence, using this guide as your blueprint for a budget-friendly coop that meets all your needs.

Constructing a chicken coop on a budget is not only achievable but can also be a rewarding and creative endeavor. By leveraging the advice and tips provided in this guide, you're well-equipped to embark on your chicken coop project with clarity and purpose. Remember, the essence of a successful DIY project lies in thoughtful planning, resourceful material selection, and a willingness to learn and adapt along the way.

Key Takeaways

  1. Planning is Essential: Before you hammer a single nail, invest time in planning your coop's design, size, and location. This foundational step will guide your project towards success and efficiency.

  2. Material Selection: Utilize reclaimed, recycled, or discounted materials without compromising on the safety and comfort of your chickens. This approach not only saves money but also contributes to environmental sustainability.

  3. DIY Empowerment: Embrace the DIY spirit by learning new skills, using available resources, and putting your personal touch on the coop's construction. Each step you take builds not just a coop but also your confidence and capability in DIY projects.

  4. Community and Resources: Don't hesitate to seek advice from experienced chicken keepers, online forums, or local DIY workshops. The community around chicken keeping is often generous with knowledge and support.

  5. Adaptability: Be prepared to tackle challenges and make adjustments as needed. Flexibility and problem-solving are key skills in any DIY project.

Words of Encouragement

As you set out to build your chicken coop, remember that every builder starts somewhere, and every coop is a reflection of its creator's care and effort. Your willingness to undertake this project already shows your commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment for your chickens.

Let this guide be the first step in a journey that not only leads to a beautiful, functional chicken coop but also to a deeper connection with your backyard flock. The process of building, learning, and caring for your chickens is a rewarding experience that extends far beyond the boundaries of the coop itself.

Start your project with enthusiasm and the confidence that you have the knowledge and resources to build a fantastic chicken coop on a budget. Happy building, and may your chickens thrive in the lovingly crafted home you're about to create for them.

Pro Tips:

  • Laser Tools for Accuracy: Even on a budget, consider investing in or borrowing a laser tool for precise measurements.
  • Repurpose with Purpose: Look for materials you can repurpose to save money and add character to your coop.

Laser Tools for Accuracy

Precision is key in any construction project, and your chicken coop is no exception. Measurements that are even slightly off can lead to issues down the line, from doors that don't fit to uneven roofing that could lead to leaks.

  • Why It's Worth It: A laser tool can drastically reduce measurement errors, ensuring that your coop comes together smoothly. This can save you time, materials, and frustration.
  • Finding One: If purchasing a laser tool doesn't fit your budget, see if you can borrow one from a friend, neighbor, or a local tool library. Many people buy these tools for a one-off project and are happy to lend them out.

Repurpose with Purpose

Building a chicken coop from scratch doesn't mean everything must be brand new. Repurposing materials not only saves money but also gives your coop a unique aesthetic and reduces waste.

  • Get Creative: Old pallets, reclaimed wood, spare roofing materials, and even discarded windows can be given a new life in your coop's structure. Each piece adds character and tells a story.
  • Where to Look: Check local online marketplaces, construction site dumpsters (with permission), and businesses disposing of pallets or crates. You'll be surprised at what you can find for free or very cheap.

Implementing the Tips

When you start on your chicken coop, keep these ideas in mind:

  • Plan with Precision: Use the laser tool to outline your coop directly on the ground or to ensure your frame is perfectly square. Accurate measurements at the start can prevent a lot of headaches later.
  • Design Around What You Have: Instead of designing your coop and then finding materials to fit, do the opposite. See what materials you can gather for free or cheaply, and then design your coop based on these dimensions.

These pro tips are not just about saving money; they're about approaching your chicken coop project with ingenuity and resourcefulness. Remember, the goal is to create a safe, comfortable space for your chickens, and how you achieve that goal can vary widely based on the resources you have at hand. With a bit of creativity and careful planning, you can build a coop that your chickens will love, without breaking the bank.

This guide aims to make the process of building a chicken coop accessible and affordable, ensuring you can provide a safe home for your chickens without overspending.

Cheap Chicken Coop Ideas | (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.